Farid Forozi, D.C. Bar Foundation
Caterina Luppi, D.C. Bar

Hosted by DC Refers, D.C. Bar MyDCLawyer, District of Columbia Bar Foundation, and Legal Counsel for the Elderly
In 2025, the District’s legal referral landscape will undergo transformative changes with innovative initiatives designed to improve access to justice for all. The D.C. Bar launched its comprehensive Lawyer Referral Service, MyDCLawyer, to connect clients across income levels with qualified attorneys efficiently. DC Refers will integrate advanced AI tools to enhance the matching process for clients of modest means, connecting them with reduced-fee lawyers and mediators. Additionally, the District of Columbia Bar Foundation will introduce its groundbreaking DC Resource Bridge, a coordinated intake and referral service, providing streamlined connections to legal resources for low-income individuals. This class highlights how these initiatives aim to close gaps in access to justice and improve the delivery of legal services in the District.